Magicjava Climate Data

This page contains unique climate products developed as part of the Aqua Satellite project. The code used to compile this data has been placed in the public domain and is available for download by the public.

NOTE: The Aqua Satellite Project is still in the Beta phase. While every attempt has been made to ensure the data is accurate, this data should not be used for scientific work and is subject to change without notice in the future.

The terms "Lower Third Average" and "Upper Third Average" refer to taking the lower and upper third of the data and averaging it. The lower and upper thirds are determined by data count. For example, for a collection of 99 scans, the lower third average would be made up of the smallest 33 scans in the collection and the upper third average would be made up of the largest 33 scans in the collection.

All data is in .csv format. It can be copied and pasted to text files and viewed using spreadsheet programs.

2009 AMSU Channel 5 Raw Data, Daily Averages
Provides daily average data for the Aqua Satellite AMSU, channel 5. All 30 footprints and an average of all footprints are provided. Date range is from January, 2009 through December, 2009.

2009 AMSU Channel 5 Raw Data, Daily Lower Third Averages
Provides daily lower third average data for the Aqua Satellite AMSU, channel 5. All 30 footprints and an average of all footprints are provided. Date range is from January, 2009 through December, 2009.

2009 AMSU Channel 5 Raw Data, Daily Upper Third Averages
Provides daily upper third average data for the Aqua Satellite AMSU, channel 5. All 30 footprints and an average of all footprints are provided. Date range is from January, 2009 through December, 2009.

2009 AMSU Channel 5 Raw Data, Monthly Averages
Provides monthly average data for the Aqua Satellite AMSU, channel 5. All 30 footprints and an average of all footprints are provided. Date range is from January, 2009 through December, 2009.

2009 AMSU Channel 5 Raw Data, Monthly Lower Third Averages
Provides monthly lower third average data for the Aqua Satellite AMSU, channel 5. All 30 footprints and an average of all footprints are provided. Date range is from January, 2009 through December, 2009.

2009 AMSU Channel 5 Raw Data, Monthly Upper Third Averages
Provides monthly upper third average data for the Aqua Satellite AMSU, channel 5. All 30 footprints and an average of all footprints are provided. Date range is from January, 2009 through December, 2009.